They are generally two models you can use to get rich in business:
1. Become the next big thing by expressing your creativity, indomitable will to make things happen, extreme hard work and lots of luck
2. Pick a tried business model and work work work and get some decent return
Most business gurus will tell you that it is much better to invent a new game than trying to be the best in game with many already established players. But can all of us start the next Google or Apple?
What if you don’t have the drive and creative brain of Steve Jobs?
Can you just work hard owning a boring business and still make it?
If you look at the statistics of business size and number of employees for most developed economies it seems that mom and pop business still make the bulk of an economy. Sure, few of them get filthy rich. But getting a decent standard for you and your family is definitely achievable.
The main secret is work harder than the next man. Perhaps harder than most. Time is the only true egalitarian element left in our societies – we are all given 24hrs in a day.
So I thought of starting a list of business ideas where hard work can be your saving grace.
I will keep updating this list as I come upon other ideas. Feel free to share your ideas in the comments. The main criteria is it should be a brawn not brains business and not a get rich quick scheme.