Уебинар – Криптовалута и Данъци в Англия

  Следващият ни уебинар – Криптовалута и данъци в Анлия: какви, колко и как да ги минимизираме, 2ри Декември, 4pm Регистрирай се тук Като счетоводител, една от любимите ми поговорки е: “Nothing is certain except death and taxes.”   Вярно е, че не мога да предскажа це
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Can my limited company pay for a home office in my back garden

With more and more people running their business from home a recurring question we get is if a business owner can build a garden office or remodel part of their house to serve as an office and put the expenses through their limited company. The short answer is yes, but the end tax res
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Is it a trade or a hobby – working tax credits

There seems to be an increasing scrutiny lately by HMRC into working tax credits claimed by self employed people. The general mode of enquiry seems to be questioning if the income is so small as to allow claiming for working tax credit, is it actually a trade? Or a hobby, which will n
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Is it immoral to pay lower taxes?

I was having a discussion recently with a potential client and as is my custom I presented to them the most tax efficient way to withdraw funds from their limited company using a few income level scenarios. Both directors were quite surprised at the amount of tax they would be able to
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